Thursday 28 September 2023

World Kid Lit Month 2023: IBBY Hans Christian Andersen Award

A book by a winner of the IBBY Hans Christian Andersen Award

The great piratical rumbustification; &, the librarian and the robbers. 
Written by Margaret Mahy; with pictures by Quentin Blake.  

Dent, 1978. 

It will always be Margaret Mahy! 

This time, I've included another HCA winner: Quentin Blake. 

Why this book? Well, it's really the second story: "The Librarian and the Robbers." 

I wish I had Serena Laburnum's sangfroid. 

I do have a t-shirt with a Miss Laburnum quote on it (thanks to my manager.)

AND the memory of spending time with Margaret Mahy. Including at this gathering for her 70th birthday, where we are admiring the bracelet I made for her. 

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