Thursday 7 September 2023

World Kid Lit Month 2023: Bonus picture book: names

Bonus picture book: names: 

The boy who tried to shrink his name. 
Written by Sandhya Parappukkaran; illustrated by Michelle Pereira. 

Bright Light, an imprint of Hardie Grant Children's Publishing, 2021.

I was given a little name because, in the words of my father: 'a little baby needs a little name' (spot the premature child - who did not suit the pre-birth name of Philip John.) 

My name is also familiar to the majority of speakers in my home country. It's four letters. 
But, for over 50 years, an aunt has always spelt it A-N-N. (A-n-n looks dreadful, but A-n-n-e looks so much more distinguished - thank you, Anne Shirley - aka Anne of Green Gables.) 
I'm often called Annie - long story. And, I don't mind. 
But, I do get grumpy when people reply to my emails and call me Ann. My name is *right there*! 
I have been called Anna on occasions. And so many variations.

If that's the case for me with a 'simple', 'old-fashioned / traditional' "English" name - then I can only imagine and sympathise with the pain of those who are gifted names outside this purview. 

Zimdalamashkermishkada has this issue. His name is a gift - one that links him to his family heritage and country. In trying to fit in, he could lose some of that - and a sense of self. 

It saddens me, when co-workers and friends Anglicise their names - or choose an 'English' name to use at work. 

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