Friday 15 September 2023

World Kid Lit Month 2023: Bonus picture book: Different hemispheres

Bonus picture book: Different hemispheres. 

Hanukkah upside down. 
Written by Elissa Brent Weissman; illustrated by Omer Hoffmann. 

Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2023. 

Bonus book with a bonus cat. 

As someone from the southern hemisphere, whose pop culture is dominated by the global north, it's not weird that December celebrations happen in winter. 

I mean, it's not something we personally experience, but it's not outside our awareness. 

I'm all for Nora believing that her southern hemisphere way is the best. It is really hard to break out of the cultural hegemony, and reset your thinking. 

I have always celebrated Christmas in summer, but some part of me yearns for a white Christmas, for example. 

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