Wednesday 20 September 2023

World Kid Lit Month 2023: Children's Poetry Book

Children's Poetry Book: 

Roar squeak purr: a New Zealand treasury of animal poems.
Edited by Paula Green; illustrated by Jenny Cooper.

Penguin Random House, 2022.

Paula Green is a doyen of Aotearoa poetry, especially of that written for children. And, of that written by children. 

There is so much to love about this book.

The production values. 

The range of poets.

The range of poems.

The illustrations.

But, what I really, really, really love - is the inclusion of the children's poems. 

The children are Poets, and they are treated with the respect and care as the adult, professional, poets. 

The children's poems are included on merit - and they more than stand up to that. 

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